Home Visit Safety

2 modules

Course Length
2 hours

The Project Harmony Training Institute



This course prepares case workers for situations that can arise while working in the client's home directly with children and families. In this training, participants will discuss challenges associated with working with families in their homes and how to manage stressful situations while keeping oneself and the families safe. Participants will learn how to spot unsafe situations. Be advised that this is an introductory training with basic information most helpful to new case workers. It would be a reminder of best practices to those who have been in the field longer.


If you have any questions about the enrollment process, please either email training@projectharmony.com or call 531-301-5079.


Upcoming Session:

- May 17, 1-3pm at Project Harmony

Please contact the Project Harmony Training Institute at training@projectharmony.com to request accommodations for participants hard of hearing



Participants will:

  • Describe general roles of a home visit worker
  • Discuss the types of safety threats and be able to identify indicators of potentially dangerous situations
  • Build communication skills that can help de-escalate a situation
  • Recognize the different response options when faced with a safety threat and when to utilize each option


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits

Home Visit Safety
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Course Evaluation
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