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*See course prerequisites before purchase.* Join us for the community of practice for forensic interviewers! This cohort will look beyond the first level of forensic interviewing and is targeted for advanced interviewing skills. Monthly topics will discuss the research, utilize practical approaches for implementation and review interviews segments together. This cohort is designed for interviewers who have completed an NCA approved forensic interview course and are looking for advanced mentoring.  Prerequisites: Completed an NCA approved 40 hour Forensic Interview course Affiliated with a CAC Conducted over 100 interviews or at least one year of interviewing experience If you don't meet these prerequisites, please do not register and pay. Email FICommunityOfPractice@projectharmony.com with any questions. Read more

This is a micro mobile lesson to highlight the benefits of unpacking feelings when something impactful happens. Read more

Children from 0-5 years old are especially vulnerable to traumatic impacts on their development while involved in the child welfare system. Their biological development and sense of attachment is so moldable in those ages, and we must be mindful of the challenges we impose on them. Decisions within child welfare must be evaluated through early development and attachment lenses. These children are also eligible for a variety of helpful services that many people may not know exist. The programs described in this training are reflective of our experience in Douglas County, Nebraska. If you live elsewhere, brainstorm comparable options in your service area or contact Project Harmony for recommendations on getting started. We invite you to work through this training and take note of the resources and recommendations within. Read more

La trata de personas está ocurriendo en todo el país, incluido el corazón del país, a tasas alarmantes. Project Harmony, el Departamento de Policía de Omaha y el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional trabajan en estrecha colaboración para identificar a los jóvenes en riesgo, construir relaciones confiables y conectar a estos niños y familias con los recursos que necesitan.   For English, see Project Harmony | Microlearning: Anti-Trafficking Efforts in Omaha (Online Training) (learnupon.com) Read more

Los expertos en trauma has estado estudiando Experiencias Adversas de la Infancia por muchos años, pero investigaciones más recientes han analizado los impactos de las Experiencias Positivas de la Infancia. Read more

En esta sesión de micro aprendizaje, explorará cómo el cerebro adolescente responde de manera única a las redes sociales. También descubrirá áreas importantes que debe proteger mientras su hijo adolescente navega por su experiencia en las redes sociales. Read more

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